Neuropsychologically informed strategic psychotherapy in teenagers and adults with ADHD
Shared and Disorder-Specific Event-Related Brain Oscillatory Markers of Attentional Dysfunction in A
Exploring the Effects of Working Memory on Time Perception in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disord
The importance of neuropsychological assessment for the evaluation of childhood learning disorders:
Cognitive-Behavioral therapy for ADHD in medication-treated adults with continued symptoms
The "Paradoxical Effect" - From misunderstanding how stimulants worked to understanding wh
The Good, the bad and the ugly- Effects, side effects and withdrawal effects (of stimulants)
Stimulant meds- what are my options? Part I of III
Stimulant Medications- naming names Part II of III
Under the radar- non-stimulant medication treatments for ADHD Part III of III