Under the radar- non-stimulant medication treatments for ADHD Part III of III
Some Non-stimulant medication options
On the market since 2002
Brand name for Atomoxetine.
Originally considered as an antidepressant but found to have utility in treatment of ADHD
Although stimulant medications work in 85% or more of cases with ADHD, Strattera works in about 60% of cases.
A good option for families that do not want to start a stimulant
A good option for patients who have significant side effects from stimulants, i.e. loss of appetite and lack of weight gain with growth or even weight loss.
Indicated to treat inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
So called, “Off Label” uses of medications
Medications are often used in the professional community to treat conditions that are not yet FDA approved to treat. For example, they may have an indication to treat blood pressure but not hyperactivity.
Originally made to treat high blood pressure. Found at low doses to have no significant impact on blood pressure but rather helped with hyperactivity, impulsivity and irritability.
Does not help with respect to treatment for inattention
Considered safe and used in children as young as 5 years of age
Baseline or follow up blood pressure need not be taken.
Long acting version of Clonidine
Designed to help young children as well as older ones
Good for about 12 hours per dose
Brand name for Guanfacine
Extended release form of Tenex
Made to treat young children and older ones
Blood pressure need not be taken prior to starting and need not be followed over time.
Like Clonidine, originally made to be a blood pressure medication but was found to help with hyperactivity, impulsivity and irritability. It does not help with inattention.